Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

452 - Degree in Chemistry

27224 - History of Science

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
27224 - History of Science
Faculty / School:
100 - Facultad de Ciencias
452 - Degree in Chemistry
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards achievement of the learning objectives. It is focused on the application of basic knowledge on historical development of science and technology to case studies based on primary sources. A wide range of teaching and learning tasks are implemented, such as lectures, analysis of primary sources, assignments, and tutorials.

Students are expected to participate actively in the class throughout the semester.

Classroom materials will be available via Moodle. These include a repository of the lecture notes used in class, the course syllabus, as well as other learning resources such as synoptic tables, chronologies, maps, extended bibliography, and digital resources.

Further information regarding the course will be provided on the first day of class.

5.2. Learning tasks

The course includes 3 ECTS organized according to:

- Lectures (0,6 ECTS): 15 hours (classroom sessions).

- Practice sessions (0,6 ECTS): 15 hours (classroom sessions).

- Teacher-guided assignment (0,6 ECTS): 15 hours (small team activity and tutorials)

- Autonomous work (1,05 ECTS): 26,25 hours.

- Assessment (0,15 ECTS): 3,75 hours.

- Tutorials: 35,40 professor's office hours specifically devoted to the teacher-guided assignment.

 1 ECTS= 25 hours students work

 Lectures: Master lectures on history of science, 1 hour/week. Although lecture notes are available via Moodle, regular attendance is highly recommended.

 Practice sessions: Teacher-guided Think-Pair-Share activity. Students work with historical texts (primary source-based learning), using textual analysis in order to develop the ability to identify and classify specific information from a text. Students are divided into two smaller groups, 1 hour/week for each group.

 Teacher-guided assignment based on historical scientific texts: writing a team-based assignment (3 students/team) explaining events, procedures, ideas, concepts in a historical scientific text, including what happened and why.

 Autonomous work: Students’ autonomous study and individual contribution to the team-based assignment.

 Assessment: Individual textual analysis (Moodle task and/or final exam).

5.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics:


I. Science in the Ancient and Medieval World

  1. The Origins of Rational Science: Technology and Philosophy
  2. Materialism and Idealism
  3. Ancient Knowledge of Matter: Alchemy, Technology, Medicine

 II. The Birth of Modern Science 

  1. Scientific Revolution, Protestant Reformation and Early Capitalism
  2. Pneumatic Chemistry (Hales, Black, Cavendish, Priestley, Scheele)

 III. Science and Industry (19th-20th centuries) 

  1. Heat and Power
  2. Engineering and Metallurgy
  3. Electricity and Magnetism
  4. Chemistry
  5. Biology

5.4. Course planning and calendar

For further details concerning the timetable, classroom and further information regarding this course please refer to the "Facultad de Ciencias" website (

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources


Bernal, John D.. Historia social de la ciencia. Vol.1, La ciencia en la historia / John D. Bernal ; traducción de Juan Ramón Capella . - 6ª ed. Barcelona : Península, 1989


Bernal, John D.. Historia social de la ciencia. Vol.2, La ciencia de nuestro tiempo / John D. Bernal ; traducción de Juan Ramón Capella . - 6ª ed. Barcelona : Península, 1991


Companion to the history of modern science / edited by R.C. Olby ... [et al.] London and New York : Routledge, cop. 1990


Ihde, Aaron J.. The development of modern chemistry / Aaron J. Ihde New York : Dover, cop. 1984


Inkster, Ian. Science and technology in history : an approach to industrial development / Ian Inkster New Brunswick, New Jersey : Rutgers University Press, 1991


Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette. A history of chemistry / Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent and Isabelle Stengers ; translated by Deborah van Dam Cambdridge [etc.] : Harvard University Press, 1996


Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette. Historia de la química / Bernardette Bensaude-Vincent, Isabelle Stengers ; versión en español de Encarnación Hidalgo Madrid ; Universidad Autonóma de Madrid ; Wilmington, Delaware : Addison Wesley, D.L.1997